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Two Suffolk county cemeteries receive grants for repairs

The Wading River Cemetery Association recently received a grant  that will be used to restore monuments at Wading River’s two historic cemeteries, according to a recent online article on the Riverhead News-Review website.

Oliver’s Hill Cemetery and Wading River Cemetery are home to many historic monuments in need of repair including a grave of a Revolutionary War veteran and other graves dating back to the early 1800s. Work could include repairing broken stones, removing lichens from stones and righting tilting stones.

Oliver’s Hills Cemetery is one of the oldest on Long Island, circa 1690. It includes the grave of Henry Hudson who fought in the Revolutionary War and his son Oliver.

Wading River Cemetery was founded on March 1847.  The original parcel of land was bought by the Religious Society of Wading River. Additional land was purchased in 1871 . The cemetery was operated by the Religious Society until 1904 when it was deeded to the Wading River Cemetery Association.

Work is expected to start in September. To read the entire article, go to:

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