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Ellis Island to be subject of free webinar on July 18

The Ukrainian History and Education Center will offer a free webinar, “Ellis Island: Its history and Documents” on Tuesday, July 18 at 7 p.m. Eastern time.

Ellis Island served as the main entry point for millions of immigrants to the United States, with its peak years between 1892 and 1924. The presenter will place Ellis Island within the context of US immigration history, debunking some long-standing urban legends. Learn about documents generated as part of the immigration process, including how to find them and what information they include. Finally, there will be a discussion on  Ellis Island’s recent story, from its abandonment and partial restoration, and reflect on the conflicting yet critical story of immigration in our nation’s long history.

The presenter, Matt Weismantel, is a volunteer at Ellis Island working at the American Family Immigration History Center and the Ellis Island research library.

To register for the presentation, go to:

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